Terms and Conditions

1. Mutual agreed sessions has to be canceled or rescheduled at least 24 hours in advance. If not you will lose this session. This also aplies during ilness.
2. There is a notice period of 30 days with packages that automatically cycle through.
3. After investment it is not possible to get a refund of your not used sessions.
4. If there is any injury form before or during the workouts, the Personal trainer advices to seek professional help from a physical therapist for example. It is from utmost importance that there will be a possibility for communication between the Personal Trainer and the other professsional. It is not possible to hold the Personal Trainer liable.
5. During sessions it could be possible that the Personal Trainer makes pictures or videos. If these pictures or videos will be used for marketing, then the Personal Trainer will only do this in consultation with the cliënt.
6. Upon payment of a package you agree with the terms and conditions. It is important that the cliënt also reads and signs the package specific terms and conditions.
7. The credit validity is not extended in the event of long term illness, or absence of the participant. This also aplies in unforeseen circumstances.

Terms and Conditions Personal Training (PT)
1. Personal training sessions must be canceled or rescheduled at least 24 hours in advance. If this is not done on time, you will lose this investment. This also applies during illness.
2. If the client is late, the time will be completed until the end of the appointment 30/45/60 minutes. If the appointment starts at 12 noon and the client arrives at 12.15, the client has the remaining 15/45 minutes until 12.30 or 13.00. This does not apply if an appointment has been made in advance. After 15 minutes late, the training will expire and will be deducted from the package
3. Each Personal training package is tacitly renewed. A direct debit is done to renew the package. Cancellation is your own responsibility.
4. A notice period of 30 days applies.
5. After investment it is not possible to get it back in currency or unused sessions.
6. If there is an injury that occurred before or during training, it is advised to seek help from an expert, for example, a physiotherapist. It is important that there is a possibility of communication between the Personal Trainer and the relevant expert. The Personal Trainer cannot be held liable for this.
7. Images are sometimes made during training. In consultation with the client, it is determined whether these can be used for training and / or advertising purposes
8. When purchasing a package, the validity of the credits continues for 21 days after the end of the package. Example: January 1, the purchase of the package 1x per week is 4 weeks. This period ends on January 29. The credits of this period are therefore valid until February 19th. After this, these will expire.
9. If the PT session will be given at another location than the home location or outside, there will be added an extra fee for travel allowance.
10. When paying for a package, you agree to the terms and conditions.
11. The agreement will last for at least 4 months, so that there will be noticable results.

Terms and conditions Small Group Training (SGT)
1. SGT registrations must be canceled at least 24 hours in advance. If this is not done on time, you will lose this investment. This also applies to illness.
2. If the client is late, the time will be completed until the end of the appointment 45 minutes. If the appointment starts at 12 noon and the client arrives at 12.15, the client has the remaining 30 minutes until 12.45.
3. If the credits are used up and the client wants to participate in the next lesson, it must be purchased and paid for in advance. If this is not the case for whatever reason and the client still wants to participate, this can be done in consultation with the Trainer.
4. If the credits are granted, they are valid for 6/10 weeks after obtaining. If the client misses a lesson, it is possible to use the credit at another SGT on the schedule, provided there is room.
6 credits= 9 weeks
10 credits= 13 weeks
5. After investment it is not possible to get it back in currency or unused sessions.
6. An SGT has at least 4 participants up to a maximum of 10. If there are not enough participants, the trainer will indicate whether the training will be canceled.
7. You can register for an SGT at the latest 1 hour in advance.
8. If there is an injury that occurred before or during training, it is advised to seek expert help from, for example, a physiotherapist. It is important that there is a possibility of communication between the Personal Trainer and the relevant expert. The Personal Trainer cannot be held liable for this.
9. Images are sometimes made during training. In consultation with the client (s) it is determined whether these can be used for training and / or advertising purposes.

Terms and Conditions Personal Training (PT)

1. Personal training sessions must be canceled or rescheduled at least 24 hours in advance. If this is not done on time, you will lose this investment. This also applies during illness.
2. If the client is late, the time will be completed until the end of the appointment 30/60 minutes. If the appointment starts at 12 noon and the client arrives at 12.15, the client has the remaining 15/45 minutes until 12.30 or 13.00. This does not apply if an appointment has been made in advance. After 15 minutes late, the training will expire and will be deducted from the package
3. Each Personal training package is tacitly renewed. A direct debit is done to renew the package. Cancellation is your own responsibility.
4. A notice period of 30 days applies.
5. After investment it is not possible to get it back in currency or unused sessions.
6. If there is an injury that occurred before or during training, it is advised to seek help from an expert, for example, a physiotherapist. It is important that there is a possibility of communication between the Personal Trainer and the relevant expert. The Personal Trainer cannot be held liable for this.
7. Images are sometimes made during training. In consultation with the client, it is determined whether these can be used for training and / or advertising purposes
8. When purchasing a package, the validity of the credits continues for 21 days after the end of the package. Example: January 1, the purchase of the package 1x per week is 4 weeks. This period ends on January 29. The credits of this period are therefore valid until February 19th. After this, these will expire.
9. If the PT session will be given at another location than the home location or outside, there will be added an extra fee for travel allowance.
10. When paying for a package, you agree to the terms and conditions.
11. Please make an appointment at least 48 hours up front. If for some reason this is not possible and you want to make an appointment anyways, contact the Personal Trainer to discuss.
12. The agreement will last for at least 4 months, so that there will be noticable results.

Terms and conditions Small Group Training (SGT)

1. SGT registrations must be canceled at least 24 hours in advance. If this is not done on time, you will lose this investment. This also applies to illness.
2. If the client is late, the time will be completed until the end of the appointment 45 minutes. If the appointment starts at 12 noon and the client arrives at 12.15, the client has the remaining 30 minutes until 12.45.
3. If the credits are used up and the client wants to participate in the next lesson, it must be purchased and paid for in advance. If this is not the case for whatever reason and the client still wants to participate, this can be done in consultation with the Trainer.
4. If the credits are granted, they are valid for 9/13 weeks after obtaining. If the client misses a lesson, it is possible to use the credit at another SGT on the schedule, provided there is room.
6 credits= 9 weeks
10 credits= 13 weeks
5. After investment it is not possible to get it back in currency or unused sessions.
6. An SGT has at least 4 participants up to a maximum of 10. If there are not enough participants, the trainer will indicate whether the training will be canceled.
7. You can register for an SGT at the latest 1 hour in advance.
8. If there is an injury that occurred before or during training, it is advised to seek expert help from, for example, a physiotherapist. It is important that there is a possibility of communication between the Personal Trainer and the relevant expert. The Personal Trainer cannot be held liable for this.
9. Images are sometimes made during training. In consultation with the client (s) it is determined whether these can be used for training and / or advertising purposes.

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